Selling Without the Snooze Button: The Art of Transformational Storytelling!

The elevator pitch to sell yourself or your business is so last BBQ—it’s long gone. It’s as outdated as a flip phone at a big tech convention, and here’s why!

There’s a new formula on the block for describing what you do (a.k.a. your Unique Selling Proposition USP) that puts your customer first and tells the story of your work. It’s the power of storytelling that highlights the people you help (your niche) and their transformations (outcomes), fostering a strong human connection both in person and online.

I could never quite get comfortable developing my elevator pitch. I tried many times and failed miserably. Listing off your credentials, skills, responsibilities, product features, and statistics is quite frankly, boring as batshit.

And here’s the kicker: it’s not our fault.

According to marketing strategist Clay Hebert, we haven’t been taught how to do this effectively. He describes the elevator pitch as a “construct,” a “myth,” and “outdated.”

He has developed a human connection model for describing what we do, suggesting that we have been led to believe our introduction should be the elevator pitch. 

However, the perfect introduction is not this.

He suggests an alternative – the human connection formula (see diagram to the right). It highlights who you help, with the aim to spark interest and have 100% confidence in your offering. 

He makes a compelling point simply because this
 formula helps design better conversations that lead to real human connections.

I’ve been inspired to use this formula in my business/ content strategy sessions, blending it with curating USPs and mission statements, to become crystal clear on the who, what, and why for clients in the health and wellness space.

How to apply the human connection formula!
  • I/We (name/company)
  • Help (connect, show, give, guide, design, unlock, prove)
  • People (your niche)
  • Achieve a Result (what do you help people become?).

e.g enKompass

We help wellness pro’s master their digital content story with confidence. 

Or, simply put: I turn X into Y.

  • No buzzwords (pretend you’re talking to a 6-year-old)
  • Keep it short
  • Intrigue your audience (make them curious). 

Why does this work?

Because it’s all about who you help, keeping your audience interested, and displaying confidence in your abilities and offerings. This is where you tell the story of the transformation of the people you help. You are the guide; they are the hero

This is 100% a rinse-and-repeat formula. It becomes one of the most potent tools for crafting copy and content that connects and converts, especially in wellness marketing.

Through this process, you / your brand becomes relatable. You build trust. It provides a safe space for potential clients to reach out and say, “Hey—I think you’re my person! You’ve helped so many like me; I need you in my life.”

The transformation matters; it’s everything. You’re giving your audience a glimpse of their future selves, with them as the hero and you as the guide. This creates an emotional connection well beyond the statistics, features, or services you offer.

In the world of wellness, one crucial element often gets overlooked: the outcomes, the perks of working with you. Too many experts skip right past them, but the truth is, outcomes are best conveyed through the captivating art of storytelling.

Imagine guiding your clients on a journey from point A—where they feel stuck, confused, and overwhelmed—to point B—their ultimate dream outcome, a reality where they thrive and flourish, seeing and feeling a better version of themselves. This transformation is what they truly seek, and as wellness experts, we can help you illuminate that path through our S.E.T DIY Approach model.

By harnessing the power of storytelling, you can vividly illustrate the incredible benefits of working with you.

The takeaways 
  • Put the customer first.
  • For genuine human connection, use the power of storytelling.
  • Sell the transformation, not the product or service.
  • Focus on the outcome.

If you’re ready to go deeper and explore this process, let’s chat!


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