Biz Goals & Niche Getting to know you
How do I find you?
How do you spend your spare free time? ( interested, hobbies, self-care)
Getting to know your brand/biz Size of your biz or brand is
(how many employers / contractors) 1-5 5-10 10-50 50+
Years in operation
1-2 2-5 5-10 10+
Getting to know your relationship with content What are your biggest challenges with content in your biz?
How do you feel about content creation?
I love creating content, however need some guidelines/roadmap/ tools I love creating content, however get stuck on ideas/ writers & creative blocks It’s a love/hate relationship I have a social media manager who does it however we are not generating leads or converting I am a newbie to content creation I do not have the time or skills Other
Do you produce content in-house or outsource?
Inhouse Outsource Inhouse & Outsource
Which tools do you currently use?
Graphic design tools
Canva Lightroom Instagram
Video tools
Instagram Cap Cut Inshot
What do you want to achieve from content?
Awareness Leads Sales Followers (IG, facebook, Tik Tok) Traffic (to website, blogs, landing page) Engagement (comments, likes and sharability on posts, stories, reels etc)
Industry Profile
Which Industry category do you fall under?
Service provider (service orientated biz)
Health Nutrition Wellness Fitness Eco / Sustainability / Nature-based
Bricks & Mortar (product orientated biz/brand)
Health Nutrition Wellness Fitness Eco / Sustainability / Nature-based
Personal Brand (network marketing, affiliate marketing, influencer marketing)
Health Nutrition Wellness Fitness Eco / Sustainability / Nature-based
Your biz/brand niche
To stand out, and connect with your audience more deeply, we need to understand your niche to enable a clear marketing message, become the go-to person in your area of expertise + build a strong foundation to expand on.
WORKSHOP EXERCISE: Finding your Niche: The Who, The What, The Where, The Why
Help us understand your niche by answering these questions followed by an activity!
What is the problem to solve?
How can you get results for this niche?
How do you currently attract clients?
Why are you passionate about helping them?
WORKSHOP EXERCISE 2: Person, Problem, Promise - See worksheet
Your biz goals
Understanding your main business and marketing goals will help me create a customised content plan specific and relevant to your business or brand.
Let’s dive in.
WORKSHOP EXERCISE: Developing SMART Goals – S pecific, M easurable, A ttainable, R ealistic, T ime-orientated
Your pillars
Content pillars are the main topics your biz or brand uses to build authority, create value and engage your audiences.
Content themes will be formulated from your biz or brand's key areas of interest & where value can be added. They will become part of your content strategy and be consistently woven through your content.
Let’s explore…
WORKSHOP EXERCISE: Finding Your Content Pillars!
Who are your people?
Examining your audience is key to being able to serve them, understand them more deeply, develop customised content for them and connect with them.
Let’s better understand your ideal client or customer to develop your audience personas - a key element in your content marketing roadmap!
WORKSHOP EXERCISE: Who are your people?
Who best fits your audience type?
Families Men Women Men 18-35 Women 18-35 Men 35+ Women 35+ Women 45-55 Mothers Mothers Post Partum Single Mums Fathers Single Dads Blended Families No children Teenagers Children
Who best fits your economic profile?
High disposable income - big ticket buyer yet critical of health & wellness Medium level income - Investing in health & wellness is important Budget conscious - will spend on DIY & sustainable / eco friendly
What category fits your audience's pain points?
Quick fixes haven’t worked Time & resource-poor Overwhelmed, stressed and anxious Well researched, however, needs help with implementation Craving connection Seeking purpose Analysis paralysis Living with symptoms & not aware they can be changed Long wait times Lack of personalised attention High costs of specialised treatments
What are their symptoms or what problem do they have?
How is that impacting their life? social life, home, family, work etc?
How might they feel when they wake up in the morning?
How is it stopping them from living their life more fully?
What quick-fix solutions may your client be trying/ expecting? And how would this make them given it doesn't work?
Was is their tipping point that was the impetus to seeking help or alternatives?
4-5 emotions your client may feel if they worked with you & got the results?